665 378 826 || 74 668 31 80 info@geodiag.pl




  We help you build an understanding of what lies beyond the earth’s surface




Designing of deep water wells and geological boreholes for ground source heat pumps. Drilling and geological supervisory. Accredited laboratory tests. Designing and construction of pipe water connections for undeground water distribution and treatment. Geotechnical acceptance of excavations and backfills of power and water plumbing system to groundwater intakes.

Aquatic legal surveys. Comprehensive assistance in obtaining a water permit




Rock mass engineering classification to determine the excavation method and the stability of the tunnel and deep foundation. The rock mass rating (RMR), rock quality designation (RQD) and Geological Strength Index (GSI) are the most widely used rock mass classifications.





Near-surface soils characteristic assessment





Support planning permissions and license applications for investors






Supporting foundation design





 Identifying water and soil contamination


December 2024


To aid shaping the future of energy, construction and urban planning GEODIAG goes through innovative solutions, premiere service and intelligence. Drones and art state geotechnical data gather machines like CPT (cone pentration test) equipped with cutting-edge sensors have revolutionised the way GEODIAG gathers data into actionable insights, unlocking the secrets about the Earth.

In this post we showing our the latest RPAS technology GEODIAG has been acquiring a myriad of geospatial datasets and information supporting rational planning and investment management. These are some of the industries and applications in which our data acquisition techniques have been used to support asset management:

Public infrastructure
Be it a road, railway, bridge or tunnel, we will help you visualise it holistically to help you identify areas for future maintenance work before they lead to costly repairs.

Large plants and installations
Accurate data collection from remote cellular towers, wind turbines and solar farms which ground technicians may not be able to easily access.

An aerial drone survey will prove particularly useful and effective when you need to map an area in difficult-to-navigate terrain. Excellence in data collection for agile decisions thanks to quickly provide you with visual data within +/-20mm accuracy.

We are excited by the opportunities ahead of us in 2025 and will continue to deliver lasting value to our clients.

We wish our customers and communities a very Happy Holiday season, a peaceful and prosperous, wealthy and healthy New Year.

Geodiag pomiary dronem

August 2024


GEODIAG is pleased to announce the opening of its new office and service in Wroclaw, Poland. The official start of operations at the Wroclaw branch was 5 th August, 2024. The expansion into Wroclaw marks a significant milestone and demonstrates GEODIAG’s commitment to strategic growth and  development. The new branch location is great place for buisness meeting and networking.

With its strategic location, the Wroclaw branch will enhance GEODIAG capabilities and enable the company to provide customers comprehensive geoscience services, essential for onshore project in Poland.

You are welcome to visit our new branch office in Wrocław

Address: ul. Pszenna 8, 55-040 Ślęza


HIGHWAY A4 – 3 min
MATCHPOINT tenis & sports club– 3 min
GOLF CLUB – 27 min
RAILWAY platform – 15 min by walk
GEODIAG Headquarters – 50min

December 2023

Geotechnical characterisation site survey for waste-to-energy (WtE) plant.

GEODIAG has won an advanced geotechnical characterisation site survey contract for international company to build a waste-to-energy (WtE) plant in Poland. Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste (EfW) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. The technology converts solid wastes to electricity and heat, thus phasing out landfilling (see the presentation).

Our company plans to target the Polish WtE market as the advanced geoscience service provider.

We would like to help improving waste management infrastructure projects to help manage crucial project risks and evaluate waste-to-energy (WtE) investments and propagating knowledge about the technology in Poland.

This is according to our strategy aiming for supporting sustainable build progress change of the energy infrastructure for a safe and sustainable World

October 2023

New CPTU penetrometer rig

GEODIAG has recently invested in a new CPTU penetrometer rig. This penetrometer is another step in the ongoing journey of investing our geotechnical equipment fleet. With continued investment, GEODIAG will continue to strength its position on the market succeed client’s expectations.

Static Cone Penetration Test offered by GEODIAG is one of the most modern soil testing methods in the world.

It allows for very precise determination of soil parameters.


Any geotechnical problem in soils testable by CPTU
Pile foundation design
Soil improvement [compacting / mixing]
Settlement prediction
Embankment and dike profiling
Stability issues [mine tailings]
Seismic survey [liquefaction analysis]
Environmental issues
Wind turbine foundation
Photovoltaic plant – ramming feasibility assessment
Pipe / cable routing

A good understanding of the subsoils is required for any sort of construction, ground investigation is therefore must.

Pick the right tool for the right job and call us now ! Kontakt

July 2023

Increased contract sales leads from renewable energy developers

GEODIAG has been awarded contract for geotechnical and topographic site survey of the photovoltaic farm which has a total capacity of 35 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. Last year we were contracted by foreign developer to prepare geological work project design for 33 onshore wind farm sites characterization – currently awaiting aproval by regulator.

We noticed significant increasing amount of formal „Request for Quatation” and significant interest of onshore wind and photovoltaic farm by foreign and domestic renewable energy developers. In the respond to the demand GEODIAG tailored up robust services to help assess hazards and optimize the renewable design for everyone who is interested in accelerating the energy transition. Our company offers:
– advanced geotechnical and geophysical characterisation site survey according to domestic and international standard
– topographic survey
– flood survey
– A-Z service.

GEODIAG provides integrated and comprehensive geoscience service essential insights for onshore renewable projects including wind farms, photovoltaic farms and vertical ground-source heat pumps.

We are happy to provide further details. Just contact us now to find out more.

May 2023

Soil stabilisation service

GEODIAG has been awarded contract from METIKAM for soil stabilisation service of new metalworking plant construction in Żarów, Poland.

Team of site and laboratory engineers provided guidance and support for final use of the stabilised material.

Initial analysis and geotechnical investigation has been commenced to determine the physical, chemical, and organic properties of soils, to establish its suitability for stabilisation or reuse. Soil samples were prepared and analysed to establish the site specific mix design required.

The latest RPAS technology was used for supporting rational planning and soil stabilisation service management.

METIKAM is a group of companies with many years of experience in metal production and metalworking.

April 2023

Geotechnical testing on DCT terminal in Gdańsk

The consortium of Budimex and Dredging International to build a third deepwater terminal, called T3.

According to the web-side source the new terminal is scheduled to open for commercial operations in 2024, the full completion of the terminal is planned for the second quarter of 2025.

GEODIAG was pleased to take part of geotechnical investigation helping better understanding of the reclamation site. We are particularly proud to take part of this new project which is marking a new era for container handling in the Baltic region.

MArch 2023

GEODIAG HSE training part 1

HSE Trainings preserve the economic strength and reputation of our company and prevent human suffering in good time: by building up internal HSE competence with professional training.

GEODIAG promotes safety at every stage of the process and is core to our culture. Safety material, risk analysis and briefings available to all prior to mobilization and we diligently run an improvement process, always wanting to evolve.

Dedicated course of training by licenced proffesional paramedic and HSE specialist has been performed in our office last week. The general scope of training was as following:
– how to identify a patient in cardiac arrest and to describe the components of high performance CPR including placement of an AED, components of quality chest compressions, and options for oxygenation.

– insect bites risk during on site works :
Their risk of exposure
Insect identification
How to prevent exposure
What to do if stung

– electric shock (electrical power lines, undeground infrastructure etc.)
– basic first aid matters
– manual handling techniques during drilling, probing, sampling.

HSE training at Geodiag

July 2022

Core drilling for rock mass assessment

GEODIAG offers the comprehensive geological services for classifying the rock mass quality in order to determine the orientation, spacing, aperture, roughness and alteration of discontinuities of rock mass. 

The service is dedicated for the following projects:
– tunnels
– hydropowers 
– wind turbine foundations 
– mines
– slopes
– landslides

Daily, weekly or other periodical logs showing project work progress with statistic and an user friendly interface via internet are provided.

The service can be provided within European Union countries.

June 2021

Geoscience, Reneawbles and IT internships

Our continued success is dependent on attracting and retaining the top talent in all areas of the business. We seek to attract and retain the best by providing rewarding careers and a supportive working environment, allowing our people to maximise their potential and fulfil their ambitions. Our company is looking for young people with great enthusiasm and initiative offering Geoscience, Reneawbles and IT internships.

Aleksander Trębacz comments (student of Sobieski Building and Electrical School Complex in Świdnica, Poland).

” I did an internship as the IT Technician for the GEODIAG from 14th of May to 4th of June 2021. I am currently doing another internship broadening my horizons even more. I observed some geological field works (drilling and probing) and part of the Earth Sciences reality. I was developing a project of the geotechnical reports written in Bash Shell producing HTML pages automatically . More experienced colleagues willingly shared their knowledge, often postponing their previous activities to help the „freshmen”. This direct contact gave me a broad view of the way experienced teams work, which I will hopefully use in the future. „

Hope Aleksander got to learn a lot in his internship, Wishing him the best in this next phase of career. Congratulations, and best of luck!

May 2021

Dewatering construction site

The pumping of an aquifer may cause ground surface subsidence and earth fissures. Earth fissures are the result of the radial motion of the solid matrix of an aquifer, driven by hydraulic forces due to well pumping. Ground subsidence may be caused by vertical settlement of an aquifer’s solid matrix. The vertical settlement is the result of soil consolidation and compaction due to effective stress changes.

GEODIAG designed and supervised drilling of dewatering (or removing water from an aquifer) systems containing three 300 mm diameter wells. The target was to lower the groundwater level to a specified depth to facilitate below ground municipal pumping station construction in Świdnica, Poland.

Prior to installing dewatering equipment, a comprehensive assessment of the potential environmental impact and ground subsidance was undertaken. This assessment highlighted environmental risks and proposed earthwork strategies for safety and downtime preventing.

The construction of pumping station will commence next month.

March 2021

Civil engineering services related to the construction of solar farms and high voltage power lines

In the first quater of 2021 Geodiag was contracted to carry out the service and directly supervision in relation to the earthwork and plans to manage risk associated with excavation work during foundation construction of the solar farm and high voltage power lines.


The earthworks for high voltage power lines are conducted in very complex geological area located near Walbrzych, Poland. The deep foundation pits showed presence of the coal (anthracite) layers, water seepage and other risks hampered construction works progres and safety.


While, In the area of photovoltaic plant the layer of cobbles and stones in the depth of 0,7m below surface level was observed. This layer is an obstacle for hydraulic pile-driving machine during installation of galvanised foundation posts.

September 2020

Geotechnical Site Investigation

October 2020

Promising renewable market on Polish offshore sector

September 2020

Online collaboration tool implemented by GEODIAG

GEODIAG has succesfully implemented tailored for geoscience service online colaboration tool enabling our clients, designers, team members to share your audio, slides, chat, video, and desktop.

The features include real-time sharing of audio, video, presentation, and screen – along with collaboration tools such as
shared notes, public/private chat, and polling.

When using the multiuser whiteboard tool, annotations are automatically displayed back to the users in real-time. Presenters also have the ability to zoom, highlight, draw and write on presentations making your points clearer to remote users.
There is no limit on the number of webcams you can share in a session (only limited by bandwidth, currently we forced limitation in the code for up to 8 person).

The company is going to adopt the tool in the educational market as well as remote selling aiding tool market.

August 2020

Assessment of coal tailing and slurry deposits energetic potential and possible utilization paths

Poland has a long history of coal mining by underground methods. Many coal operators were using increasingly sophisticated equipment to size and clean their product. Reject from these preparation facilities can be broadly characterized as tailings or slurry. The tailing deposits were often disposed wet as valley fills in mountainous regions and in embankments to develop impoundment structures. Many of these locations contribute visual disruption of scenic land-scapes and continuing environmental damage in the form of sediments and acid drainage into streams, lakes, and underground water.

In the other hand coal-slurries and fine grained tailing (post-flotation mud) have the highest carbon content among other mine waste produced during coal mining and preparation. Emplacement typically occurred over a period of years or decades and significant internal variations in mineralogical, chemical, and textural characteristics exist within the deposits. Therefore, coal slurries deposited in impoundments or valley fills can be regarded as potential fuel. 

GEODIAG has been awarded contract for the drilling service including drone aerial photogrammetry and soil sampling for the analysis of coal tailing deposits located in 2 former coal mines. A total of 24 boreholes down to 30 m were drilled to collect soil samples from each 1,5 m depth interval.

Knowledge of the flotation mud parameters is important in any attempt to recovery tailings from a flotation collector in an economic and environmentally responsible manner.

July 2020

GEODIAG – a new bureau of geological and environmental site assessment

In response to the growing market demand, advanced data analysis and simultaniously multi projects progress management in the area of geotechnics, geophysics and environmental  site assessment, GEODIAG estabilished a modern and functional office at Kolejowa 16 Street in Świdnica. The workshop wth the equipment base and soil test laboratory is managed by the Onshore Drilling Department located in Witoszów Dolny.

We cordially invite you to visit our new office. The office is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 18.00.

January 2020

Geoscience service for high voltage power lines

The electric power network infrastructure is the link between generation sources and customers (consumers of electricity) and includes transmission grid and distribution grid. The assets of the distribution grids in Poland are outdated and heavily used. According to the operators sources the highest wear level can be observed for 110 kV distribution grids in rural areas. They urgently need to be modernized in such a scope as to ensure the appropriate quality of the electricity supply to end users. The limited capacity of the 110 kV grid is closely linked to its age, technical condition and degree of use, and the lack of investment required to prevent the progressive depreciation of the grid assets. Due to insufficient thermal load capacity of 110 kV lines. there are, among other things, limited possibilities of supplying energy to large urban agglomerations in Poland. Moreover, overloads occurring in the area of a 110 kV grid have an adverse impact on the operation of the transmission grid. A disadvantageous phenomenon, in terms of electricity supply security, consists in a very low level of investments carried out by distribution system operators concerning the construction of new 110 kV lines, which results in a low dynamics of increase in the length of these lines. In view of the forecasted future growth of electricity demand, the need to improve the quality and reliability of the energy supply to end users and the intensive development of renewable market, the current distribution infrastructure will be insufficient. It therefore requires expansion and thorough modernization, with regard to the 110 kV and the MV grids in particular. Moreover, the transmission functions imposed on the 110 kV distribution grid should be partially and gradually withdrawn.

  Improving the electricity supply security requires the distribution system operators to undertake various investment and operational measures which will help to avoid or at least limit the scale of failure. Large construction investment requires robust geoscience service. GEODIAG has been chosen for recognition of geological and geotechnical hazard throughout the proposed high voltage power line corridor situated between Boguszów-Gorce and Jabłów, Lower Silesia, Poland.

The contract was scheduled for on 7 months with option for extension of the service for next power line corridor.

March-April 2019




GEODIAG (KOMARTECH brand) has been awarded contract with Kwadros Michał MAlik for providing broad consultancy geological service from the start of recreational outdoor swimming pool construction and right through to completion.


The service includes, but is not limited to execution of geotechnical surveys on foundation engineering including: soil studies, geophysical survey using georadar, percussion drilling RKS, dynamic light probing DPL, dynamic plate test and static plate loading test VSS for measuring load-bearing capacity, geotechnical excavation checks, laboratory and field tests, with earthworks progress monitoring using advanced aerial remote sensing and digital photogrammetry.



The contract has been scheduled for approx. 8 months.










February 2019



The factory of Mercedes-Benz cars engine in Jawor, Poland has been setting the course for green vehicle production. This will be done without coal-fired power completely and demonstrably and sustainably source electrical energy and heat from renewable sources.


GEODIAG (KOMARTECH brand) has been awarded contract for conducting professional land surveying service, unexploded  ordnance risk assessment (UXO) survey and geotechnical investigation from leading provider of energy contracting services and energy efficiency measures of GETEC heat & power GmbH which will build the pellet heating plant with heating network for Daimler.


The area of geoengineering service covers proposed of green climate-friendly wood particles (pellets) heating plant location and proposed of heating pipeline route to new Mercedes-Benz cars engine factory in Jawor, Lower Silesia province, Poland.


Regulatory know-how and technical expertise enables GEODIAG to provide robust and environmental friendly service which will be used for safe construction designing.


The contract has been scheduled for approx. 3 months












November 2018




GEODIAG has won a contract with AnArchi Group Limited to carry out a geotechnical investigation in the area of the historical railway station in Legnica for the design of passenger lifts along with accompanying infrastructure adapted for travelers with reduced mobility. Field work commenced after obtaining relevant permits issued and approved by monument conservator of the Lower Silesia province and investor of the railway station – PKL Polskie Koleje Liniowe S.A.
The geotechnical service included:
  • geological drilling and dynamic probing
  • geophysical survey for detection of an undocumented underground collision and foundations outline of old platform girders
  • diamond drilling in the area of old tunnel in order to assess ground-water conditions under the reinforced concrete of foundation slab
  • soil sampling for laboratory analysis
Geotechnical documentation was prepared for foundation  design purposes.













DABRO-BAU Furia Świdnicka I, September 30 2018


The new event has been published in an up-to-date calendar of sporting events in Swidnica, Poland. This time, enthusiasts of leisure could faced physical challenges at an obstacles course racing, mud and trail runs. The area around the Witoszówka reservoir has changed into generously spotted routes with both natural and artificial obstacles  over which entrants – racing either individually or as teams – must run, jump, climb, crawl and push their physical and moral resources to the limits. Entrants overcame a variety of obstacles, among others watercourses, hills, trees, walls, ropes, horizontal traverses, rope webs, entanglements, trusses, mud.

It was an extreme challenge for enthusiasts of active leisure and outdoor sports who are not afraid of taking up new challenges and embarking on interesting adventures. DABRO-BAU Furia Świdnicka is an unique obstacle course event in 2018.

DABRO-BAU is Titular Sponsor of DABRO-BAU Furia Świdnicka I.

GEODIAG with other companies AUTOFORTE, X-WAKACJE and JATA were partnership supporting this kind of initiatives in Świdnica to promote healthy lifestyles through sport and physical activity.











JUNE 2018




GEODIAG (KOMARTECH brand) has been awarded the contract from ELECTRA M&E Polska Sp. z o.o. for geotechnical consulting service during eartworks of sanitary sewer mains, facilities and other appurtenances in the part of new Mercedes-Benz engine factory located in the municipality of Jawor, which is situated west of Wrocław in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, Poland. The new plant will become a part of the network of Mercedes-Benz factories, and produce four-cylinder gasoline and diesel engines for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars. The state-of-the-art factory will combine the highest standards in the automotive industry with the idea of Industry 4.0.

The geotechnical services conducted by GEODIAG was included quality controling of the compaction of the excavating and backfilling trenches for buried water service connections, sewer and storm drainage pipe systems, buried utility structures and appurtenances located in the area of buildings number 4 and number 5 of the new plant.

The contract period is for 4 months.


MAY 2018




GEODIAG (KOMARTECH brand) has signed a contract with Kuźnia Jawor S.A. to perform geotechnical investigation for planned new production hall with vibrating industrial machinery.
Kuznia Jawor S.A. is a polish manufacturer of high quality steel drop forgings. For many years specialises in drop forging and machining.

The new hall will become an intelligent factory commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution characterized by the development of the high technology industry and the digitization of production processes.

Field works will include
– diamond drilling in paved surfaces
– geological drilling
– laboratory tests of 100 soil samples, testing of water samples
– DPH / DPM type probing
– CPTU probing.

Documentation works will include:
– geotechnical opinion and the geotechnical project according to the polish Ordinance of Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of 25th of April 2012 on the determination of geotechnical conditions for foundation of building structures (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 463)
– the geological works project, as well as geological and engineering documentation according to the polish Geological and Mining Law.

The contract period is for 5 months.






GEODIAG has been awarded the contract from WARBUD S.A. for geotechnical and geological consulting service of the part of new Mercedes-Benz engine factory located in the municipality of Jawor, which is situated west of Wrocław in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, Poland.  The new plant will become a part of the network of Mercedes-Benz factories, and produce four-cylinder gasoline and diesel engines for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars.

The state-of-the-art factory will combine the highest standards in the automotive industry with the idea of Industry 4.0. The construction work is scheduled to start in 2017, and the plant in Jawor is planned to open at the end of 2019.

The contract period is for approximately 4 months.