665 378 826 || 74 668 31 80 info@geodiag.pl



Diversified and resilient friendly working environment company with increasing exposure to renewables, infrastructure and water.


Supporting energy, infrastructure and water industry by delivering superior-quality service to help manage project risks and evaluate investments. Providing the right data at the right time turning them into knowledge.


At GEODIAG, we promote teamwork at every stage of the process. By working together, with a clear understanding of requirements, project specifics and challenges, we can develop a proper pre-mobilization induction (as required) to help increase the chances of success.

We know that sometimes, things do not go according to plan. We will be open and work with you to find solutions that help and not hinder your project. We take our responsibility seriously and will communicate openly at all times.


GEODIAG promotes safety at every stage of the process and is core to our culture. Safety material, risk analysis and briefings available to all prior to mobilization and we diligently run an improvement process, always wanting to evolve.


We keep our promises and commutate openly at all times. Our Clients need to know what is happening behind the scenes so that they can make informed decisions.


GEODIAG believes that competence, passion and innvoation is a key component in ensuring that we can all run a safe and successful project. We support growth through training and support promoting open mind friendly working culture.


Dedication means doing as much as you reasonably can in order to advance yourself, your team, your clients, everyone. It doesn’t mean living out of balance or giving 110% all the time, but it does mean that where and when you can give extra without causing yourself harm, you make the choice to give extra. Our whole team is committed to the success of each other and the company as a whole. At GEODIAG we have each other’s backs. If someone is having a rough day we will help pick up the slack, because we know that one day they will do the same for us. We interact with our clients regularly, and it is important that everyone shows the same level of professionalism and support. Our team is dedicated to living up to these expectations and exceeding them to give our clients the best experience possible. 


At GEODIAG, you are not just a number. We will make every effort to get to know you, meet you, understand your requirements and therefore always work in your best interests. We understand the need for constant communication throughout the process.

Discover a toolbox, skills and a unique our company culture that delivers outstanding reliability no matter what, to ensure you get the results you need.



ul. Kolejowa 16

58-100 Świdnica

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M: 0048 605 052 752